Virginia City Grand Prix 2021

Virginia City Grand Prix 2021

The 50th Anniversary of this race was a smash hit.  It was cold and rainy, but what an amazing group of men and women riders. Everyone pulling together to help everyone else.  It was a great time. Showed off my brand to a whole bunch of new people. Met an incredible amount of terrific people. Froze to the bone. And they will be doing it again in April of 2022.  It's incredible how the events are coming out of the woodwork for the next year in Virginia City.  Well, we shall see if it works out for us to be a part of them. 

Congratulations to the winners and those that finished. and to those that didn't make it up this year or didn't make it across the finish line, well - there's always next year and hopefully the weather will be a little better. 

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